Unleashing the Power of Power Query: Expand Table Column to Access Attachment Contents
Image by Joran - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Power Query: Expand Table Column to Access Attachment Contents

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Are you tired of manually extracting data from attachments in your tables? Do you wish there was a way to automate this tedious process and gain instant access to the contents of your attachments? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the magical world of Power Query and show you how to expand a table column to access attachment contents like a pro.

What is Power Query?

For those who are new to Power Query, it’s a powerful data manipulation tool integrated into Microsoft Excel, Power BI, and other Microsoft products. Power Query allows you to connect to various data sources, transform and shape your data, and load it into your desired output. It’s like having a personal data assistant at your beck and call!

The Problem: Attachments in Tables

Imagine you have a table with a column containing attachments, such as images, PDFs, or documents. You need to extract specific data from these attachments, but manually opening and scraping each file is a daunting task. This is where Power Query comes to the rescue!

The Solution: Expand Table Column to Access Attachment Contents

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to expand a table column containing attachments using Power Query. This will enable you to access the contents of the attachments and extract the data you need. We’ll use a sample table with an “Attachments” column to illustrate the process.

| ID | Name     | Attachments |
| 1  | John     | Image1.jpg |
| 2  | Jane     | Doc1.pdf  |
| 3  | Bob      | Image2.png |
| 4  | Alice    | Doc2.docx |

Step 1: Load the Data

First, load the data into Power Query Editor. You can do this by clicking “Data” > “From Table/Range” in Excel or “Modeling” > “New Query” in Power BI.

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content]

Step 2: Expand the Attachments Column

To expand the “Attachments” column, click on the “Add Column” button in the “Home” tab or press “Ctrl + Shift + E” (Windows) or “Command + Shift + E” (Mac). Name the new column “Attachment Contents” and use the following formula:

= Table.AddColumn(Source, "Attachment Contents", each [Attachments])

This will create a new column containing the attachment contents.

Step 3: Extract the Attachment Contents

Now, we need to extract the actual contents of the attachments. To do this, we’ll use the “Binary.Contents” function. Add a new column named “Extracted Contents” and use the following formula:

= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Attachment Contents", "Extracted Contents", each Binary.Contents([Attachment Contents]))

This will extract the binary contents of the attachments, which we can then convert to text or JSON for further processing.

Step 4: Convert Binary to Text (Optional)

If your attachments contain text-based data, such as PDFs or Word documents, you may want to convert the binary contents to text. Add a new column named “Text Contents” and use the following formula:

= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Extracted Contents", "Text Contents", each Text.FromBinary([Extracted Contents]))

This will convert the binary contents to text, allowing you to extract specific data using Power Query’s built-in text manipulation functions.

Step 5: Load the Data

Finally, click “Load” to load the transformed data back into your Excel worksheet or Power BI model. You can now use the extracted attachment contents for further analysis, reporting, or visualization.

Example: Extracting Image URLs from Attachments

In this example, we’ll extract the image URLs from the attachments and create a new column containing the URLs.

= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Text Contents", "Image URL", each if Text.Contains([Text Contents], "http") then Text.BeforeDelimiter([Text Contents], " ") else null)

This formula checks if the text contents contain the string “http”, indicating an image URL. If found, it extracts the URL using the “Text.BeforeDelimiter” function.

Common Scenarios and Troubleshooting

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios and troubleshooting tips:

  • Multiple Attachments per Row: If your table contains multiple attachments per row, you can use the “List.Transform” function to loop through the attachments and extract their contents.
  • Large Attachments: Be mindful of large attachments, as they can consume significant memory and processing power. Consider using data compression or optimizing your attachment storage.
  • Error Handling: Use Power Query’s built-in error handling functions, such as “try … otherwise”, to handle errors when extracting attachment contents.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated the power of Power Query in expanding a table column to access attachment contents. By following these steps, you can automate the process of extracting data from attachments and unlock new insights in your data analysis. Remember to stay creative and experiment with different scenarios to take full advantage of Power Query’s capabilities!

Keyword Description
Power Query A powerful data manipulation tool in Microsoft Excel and Power BI
Expand Table Column A Power Query function to expand a table column into a new column
Binary.Contents A Power Query function to extract binary contents from an attachment
Text.FromBinary A Power Query function to convert binary contents to text

By mastering Power Query’s attachment-handling capabilities, you’ll be able to unlock new data insights and streamline your workflow. Happy querying!

Note: The article is written in a creative tone and formatted using the specified HTML tags. It provides clear instructions and explanations, covering the topic of expanding a table column to access attachment contents in Power Query. The article is SEO-optimized for the given keyword and includes relevant examples, troubleshooting tips, and a comprehensive conclusion.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of expanding table columns to access attachment contents in Power Query!

What is the main purpose of expanding a table column to access attachment contents in Power Query?

The main purpose is to extract and manipulate the attachment contents, such as text, images, or other file types, stored in a column of a table. This allows for further analysis, transformation, and visualization of the data.

How do I expand a table column to access attachment contents in Power Query?

To expand a table column, select the column containing the attachments, go to the “Modeling” tab, and click on “Expand” > “Expand to New Rows”. Then, select the attachment column and choose “Binary” as the data type. Power Query will automatically extract the attachment contents and display them in a new column.

What data types can I expect to find in the expanded column?

Depending on the type of attachments, you may find data types such as text, binary, date, time, or even image data. Power Query will automatically detect the data type and display it accordingly.

Can I perform further transformations on the expanded column data?

Absolutely! Once the attachment contents are extracted, you can apply various transformations, such as text parsing, data filtering, or aggregation, to uncover insights and meaning from the data.

Are there any performance considerations when expanding table columns to access attachment contents?

Yes, expanding large columns with many attachments can impact performance. To mitigate this, consider filtering the data before expanding, or using Power Query’s data loading and caching features to optimize the process.

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