Mastering Unity Netcode: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reparenting Objects using NetworkObject.TrySetParent()
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Mastering Unity Netcode: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reparenting Objects using NetworkObject.TrySetParent()

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If you’re diving into the world of Unity Netcode, you’re likely familiar with the concept of multiplayer gaming and the magic of synchronizing game objects across the network. One crucial aspect of this process is reparenting objects, and in this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using NetworkObject.TrySetParent() to achieve this. Buckle up, developers!

What is Reparenting in Unity Netcode?

In Unity Netcode, reparenting refers to the process of changing the parent object of a networked object. This can be crucial in scenarios where objects need to be dynamically reorganized or restructured during gameplay. For instance, imagine a multiplayer game where players can pick up and manipulate objects; reparenting allows you to update the object’s parentage in real-time, ensuring a seamless and synchronized experience for all players.

Why Use NetworkObject.TrySetParent()?

NetworkObject.TrySetParent() is a specialized method in Unity Netcode that enables you to reparent a networked object while maintaining its synchronization across the network. This method is essential when working with complex networked scenarios, as it ensures that the object’s parentage is updated correctly on both the client and server sides.

So, why use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() instead of simply setting the parent object directly? The answer lies in the complexities of networked gameplay. When you set the parent object manually, you risk introducing inconsistencies between the client and server, leading to desync issues or even game crashes. By using NetworkObject.TrySetParent(), you can trust that Unity Netcode will handle the reparenting process correctly, ensuring a smooth and synchronized experience for your players.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reparenting with NetworkObject.TrySetParent()

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the hands-on guide to reparenting using NetworkObject.TrySetParent().

Step 1: Prepare Your Networked Object

Before you can reparent an object, you need to ensure it’s a networked object with a NetworkObject component attached. If your object doesn’t already have one, add a NetworkObject component to it.

// Example: Adding a NetworkObject component to a GameObject
public class MyNetworkedObject : MonoBehaviour
    private NetworkObject networkObject;

    private void Start()
        networkObject = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();

Step 2: Get the Parent Object’s NetworkIdentity

To reparent an object, you need a reference to the network identity of the new parent object. You can obtain this using the GetNetworkIdentity() method.

// Example: Getting the network identity of the new parent object
public class MyNetworkedObject : MonoBehaviour
    private NetworkObject networkObject;
    private NetworkIdentity parentNetworkIdentity;

    private void Start()
        networkObject = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();

        // Assume 'newParentObject' is the GameObject you want to reparent to
        parentNetworkIdentity = newParentObject.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();

Step 3: Call NetworkObject.TrySetParent()

Now that you have the network identity of the new parent object, you can call NetworkObject.TrySetParent() to initiate the reparenting process.

// Example: Reparenting using NetworkObject.TrySetParent()
public class MyNetworkedObject : MonoBehaviour
    private NetworkObject networkObject;
    private NetworkIdentity parentNetworkIdentity;

    private void Start()
        networkObject = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();

        // Assume 'newParentObject' is the GameObject you want to reparent to
        parentNetworkIdentity = newParentObject.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();

        // Call NetworkObject.TrySetParent() to reparent the object

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While NetworkObject.TrySetParent() simplifies the reparenting process, you may still encounter issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Desync issues after reparenting Ensure that both the client and server have the same network identity for the new parent object. Verify that the network identity is correctly synchronized across the network.
Object not reparenting correctly Check that the NetworkObject component is attached to the object and that the NetworkIdentity component is attached to the new parent object. Also, ensure that the object is not already a child of the new parent object.
Reparenting not working on the server Verify that the server is correctly configured to handle networked objects. Ensure that the server has the correct permissions and that the network identity is correctly synchronized.

Best Practices for Reparenting in Unity Netcode

To ensure a smooth and synchronized experience for your players, follow these best practices when reparenting objects in Unity Netcode:

  • Use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() consistently: Avoid mixing manual parenting with NetworkObject.TrySetParent(). Stick to using NetworkObject.TrySetParent() for all reparenting operations to maintain consistency and avoid desync issues.
  • Verify network identity synchronization: Ensure that the network identity of the new parent object is correctly synchronized across the network before calling NetworkObject.TrySetParent().
  • Avoid reparenting during intense network activity: Try to avoid reparenting objects during periods of high network activity, as this can increase the likelihood of desync issues or game crashes.
  • Test thoroughly: Thoroughly test your reparenting implementation to ensure it works correctly in different scenarios and edge cases.


Reparenting objects in Unity Netcode can be a complex task, but by following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this crucial aspect of networked gameplay. Remember to use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() consistently, verify network identity synchronization, and test thoroughly to ensure a seamless and synchronized experience for your players.

With Unity Netcode, the possibilities for multiplayer gaming are endless. By harnessing the power of NetworkObject.TrySetParent(), you can create immersive and engaging experiences that bring players together like never before. Happy coding, and see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of Unity’s Netcode by mastering the art of reparenting objects using NetworkObject.TrySetParent()! Here are the top FAQs to get you started:

What is the purpose of NetworkObject.TrySetParent() in Unity Netcode?

NetworkObject.TrySetParent() is a method that allows you to change the parent of a NetworkObject in a network-aware way. This is particularly useful when you need to reparent objects in a multiplayer game or simulation, ensuring that the change is propagated correctly across the network.

How do I use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() to reparent an object?

To use NetworkObject.TrySetParent(), simply call the method on the NetworkObject instance, passing in the new parent object as an argument. For example: `myNetworkObject.TrySetParent(newParentObject);`. This will attempt to set the parent of `myNetworkObject` to `newParentObject`, and return `true` if the operation is successful.

What are the requirements for calling NetworkObject.TrySetParent()?

To call NetworkObject.TrySetParent(), the object must be a NetworkObject, and the new parent object must also be a NetworkObject. Additionally, both objects must be owned by the same client or server, and the change must be made on the same frame as the original spawn or creation of the object.

What happens if NetworkObject.TrySetParent() fails?

If NetworkObject.TrySetParent() fails, it will return `false`. This can happen if the object is not a NetworkObject, or if the new parent is not a valid NetworkObject. You can check the error message or debug logs to determine the reason for the failure.

Can I use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() on a client or server?

Yes, you can use NetworkObject.TrySetParent() on both clients and servers. However, keep in mind that when calling it on a client, the change will be sent to the server for validation, and may be rejected if the server does not allow the reparenting operation.

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