Unlocking the Power of GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Joran - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog: A Comprehensive Guide

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As a developer, you know the importance of having a robust and secure development environment. With the rise of cloud-based development, GitHub Enterprise Cloud has become a popular choice for many organizations. But what if you want to take your development to the next level? That’s where JFrog comes in. In this article, we’ll explore how to integrate GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog, and unlock the advanced security features of GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advance Security.

What is GitHub Enterprise Cloud?

GitHub Enterprise Cloud is a cloud-based version of GitHub Enterprise, a self-hosted platform for developers. It provides a scalable, secure, and collaborative environment for teams to develop, test, and deploy software. With GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you get access to advanced features such as code review, project management, and team collaboration tools.

What is JFrog?

JFrog is a leading provider of artifact repository management solutions. Their flagship product, Artifactory, is a universal artifact repository that allows you to manage and store binary artifacts, such as jars, wars, and Docker images. JFrog provides a centralized repository for all your development artifacts, making it easy to manage and track changes.

Integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog

Integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog is a straightforward process that requires some configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Create a JFrog Artifactory instance. You can sign up for a free trial or purchase a subscription.

  2. In your GitHub Enterprise Cloud account, go to the Settings > Developer settings > OAuth Apps and create a new OAuth app.

  3. Fill in the required information, such as the app name, description, and authorization callback URL. Set the permission to repo and admin:org.

  4. Save the OAuth app and note down the client ID and client secret.

  5. In your JFrog Artifactory instance, go to the Settings > Security > OAuth and configure a new OAuth provider.

  6. Enter the client ID, client secret, and authorization callback URL from step 4.

  7. Save the OAuth provider configuration.

  8. In your GitHub Enterprise Cloud account, go to the Settings > Integrations & Services and add a new service.

  9. Select JFrog Artifactory as the service provider and enter the URL of your Artifactory instance.

  10. Authorize the service by clicking on the Authorize button.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ve successfully integrated GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog. You can now start using Artifactory as a repository for your GitHub projects.

GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advance Security Feature

GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advance Security feature provides an additional layer of security for your development environment. With this feature, you get:

  • Advanced threat protection: Identify and block malicious code and attackers in real-time.

  • Data loss prevention: Protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

  • Code scanning: Scan your code for vulnerabilities and receive alerts and recommendations.

  • Dependency tracking: Track and manage dependencies to ensure security and compliance.

To enable the Advance Security feature in GitHub Enterprise Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings > Security > Advance Security in your GitHub Enterprise Cloud account.

  2. Click on the Enable Advance Security button.

  3. Follow the prompts to configure the Advance Security feature.

  4. Review and agree to the terms and conditions.

  5. Click on the Save button to enable the feature.

Benefits of Integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog and Advance Security Feature

Integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog and enabling the Advance Security feature provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved collaboration: Centralized repository management with JFrog enables seamless collaboration across teams.

  • Enhanced security: The Advance Security feature provides real-time threat protection, data loss prevention, and code scanning.

  • Faster development: With JFrog, you can manage and track changes to your artifacts, reducing development time and increasing productivity.

  • Compliance: The Advance Security feature ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA.


In conclusion, integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog and enabling the Advance Security feature is a powerful combination for developers. With JFrog, you get a centralized repository for your development artifacts, and with the Advance Security feature, you get an additional layer of security for your development environment. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of GitHub Enterprise Cloud and take your development to the next level.

Feature GitHub Enterprise Cloud JFrog Advance Security Feature
Centralized repository management
Real-time threat protection
Code scanning
Dependency tracking
This article provides a comprehensive guide to integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog and enabling the Advance Security feature. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can unlock the full potential of GitHub Enterprise Cloud and take their development to the next level.


Q: What is the difference between GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise?

A: GitHub Enterprise Cloud is a cloud-based version of GitHub Enterprise, which is a self-hosted platform for developers.

Q: What is the purpose of JFrog Artifactory?

A: JFrog Artifactory is a universal artifact repository that allows you to manage and store binary artifacts, such as jars, wars, and Docker images.

Q: What is the Advance Security feature in GitHub Enterprise Cloud?

A: The Advance Security feature provides an additional layer of security for your development environment, including real-time threat protection, data loss prevention, code scanning, and dependency tracking.

Q: How do I enable the Advance Security feature in GitHub Enterprise Cloud?

A: To enable the Advance Security feature, go to the Settings > Security > Advance Security in your GitHub Enterprise Cloud account, click on the Enable Advance Security button, and follow the prompts to configure the feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

GitHub Enterprise Cloud + JFrog or GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advanced Security feature, got questions? We’ve got answers!

What is GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advanced Security feature?

GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advanced Security feature is a powerful combination that provides a scalable, secure, and compliant platform for development teams. It offers advanced security features, such as code scanning, secret scanning, and dependency analysis, to help teams identify and remediate security vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.

How does GitHub Enterprise Cloud integrate with JFrog?

GitHub Enterprise Cloud integrates seamlessly with JFrog’s Artifactory, a universal repository manager, to provide a comprehensive DevOps solution. This integration enables teams to automate the build, deployment, and management of artifacts, while ensuring secure and compliant software development practices.

What are the benefits of using GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog?

By combining GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog, teams can accelerate their software development lifecycle, improve collaboration, and reduce security risks. This powerful combination also provides a single source of truth for artifacts, enables automated compliance, and offers advanced analytics and reporting.

Can I use GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog for containerized applications?

Absolutely! GitHub Enterprise Cloud with JFrog supports containerized applications, allowing teams to manage and scan container images, Dockerfiles, and Helm charts. This integration also enables the automation of container-related tasks, such as vulnerability scanning and compliance checks.

How does GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advanced Security feature support compliance and governance?

GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Advanced Security feature provides a robust compliance and governance framework that helps teams meet regulatory requirements, such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. It offers features like access controls, auditing, and reporting to ensure that teams can track and manage their compliance posture.